272 Gallery: A Multifunctional Space that Blends Art and Architecture

Transforming an Old Residence into a Cultural Hub

The city expansion accelerates along with the constant development of information. At the same time, a fierce renewal inside the city, which is like a surging whirlpool, is absorbing all kinds of resources radially from the center to the surrounding. In the situation of increasingly scarce resources, the re-use of the "old part" of the city is coming up as a new solution. We always feel that the environment is shaped by people, but also shape the people there.

An experimental renovation practice, the 272 Gallery, is a renewal of architectural space that transforms the original residence into three basic functions: medieval furniture display, art gallery, and private gathering. This innovative approach injects art and cultural elements into the old community, touching the memory of the city and making people aware of the charm of the blocks. The city and architecture are closely connected through a pleasant environment and diversified cultural and artistic activities.

Qiuwen Luo, the designer behind this project, explains that the materials used in the renovation follow the principle of minimization. Unpainted pine and glass brick walls on the third floor, along with iron external guardrails, create a harmonious atmosphere. The decision to retain the original cast-in-place terrazzo floor and wall mechanism, as well as the wooden handrails of the stairs, balances the relationship between the old and the new.

The structural form of the original building posed limitations on space reconstruction. To address this, all the doors of the original house were demolished, creating a seamless integration of spaces. This design choice allows for flexibility in carrying various art exhibitions, as the relationship between rooms becomes equal.

Located in the heart of Chancheng district, Foshan City, Guangdong, China, the 272 Gallery project started in October 2019 and was completed in April 2020. It is a testament to the designer's research on renewing old buildings in aging communities. By transforming unused or semi-abandoned spaces into art galleries, design studios, and bookstores, the project revitalizes the overall community atmosphere, bringing culture and business back into people's daily lives.

The challenges faced during the design process included finding the balance between the old and the new. The designer aimed to achieve a "minimum" intervention, engaging in a consultation dialogue with the space itself. The decision-making process involved determining which parts to demolish, repair, or add, with the demolished parts truthfully reflected in the new environment. This interplay between the new and the old establishes a new spatial order.

The 272 Gallery respects the context, nature, and years. With minimal intervention, the designer preserved the brick and concrete structure of the 1980s, while designing window frames that seamlessly blend with the surrounding views. From the interior, the windows appear to disappear, allowing the pure green outside to take center stage. Iron elements were used to echo the mottled walls, enhancing the overall atmosphere of the space.

The 272 Gallery project, captured beautifully by photographer Chao Zhang, has been recognized for its excellence. It was awarded the Iron A' Design Award in the Architecture, Building, and Structure Design category in 2022. This prestigious award honors well-designed, practical, and innovative creations that meet professional and industrial requirements, contributing to a better world.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Qiuwen Luo
Image Credits: Image #1, Image#2, Image#3, Image#4, Image #5: Photographer Chao Zhang, 2021
Project Team Members: Qiuwen Luo, Zhixu Wang, Licen Ye
Project Name: 272 Gallery
Project Client: Qiuwen Luo

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